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End of Year Massachusetts State Reporting (January 2019) - Information & Tips to Clear Errors

Article ID: 984
Last updated: 22 Jan, 2019
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The following information and tips are intended to help you clear errors in SIF/Legacy SSDR, SCS, and EPIMS submission.

Please let iPass Support know if you need further assistance.


  • Offender DOE Field “Offender Related To”: The DESE does not want the following SIF Values to be used when making a selection for the “Offender Related To” field. If you have made any of these selections you will need to make another selection that matches the Incident code selected.

o   1000 - Alcohol (liquor law violations: possession, use, sale)

o   1200 - Attendance Policy Violation (Not Attending School or Classes as Required)

o   1600 - Drugs Excluding Alcohol and Tobacco (Illegal Drug Possession, Sale, Use/Under the Influence)

o   1800 - Discontinued 2017-2018 (Formerly Harrassment; Non-Sexual (Physical; Verbal; or Psychological) - Use 1897)

o   2100 - Inappropriate Use of Medication (Prescription or over-the-counter)

o   2400 - Obscene Behavior

o   2700 - School Threat (Threat of Destruction or Harm)

o   3000 - Suicide

o   3100 - Discontinued 2017-2018 (Formerly Theft (Stealing Personal or Other Property) - Use 3110)

o   3200 - Threat/Intimidation (Causing Fear of Harm)

o   3300 - Tobacco (Possession or Use)

o   3500 - Discontinued 2017-2018 (Formerly Vandalism (Damage to School or Personal Property) - Use 3510)

  • SIF Mapping: iPass Incident Codes should not be mapped to the following SIF Values:

o   1000 - Alcohol (liquor law violations: possession, use, sale)

o   1200 - Attendance Policy Violation (Not Attending School or Classes as Required)

o   1600 - Drugs Excluding Alcohol and Tobacco (Illegal Drug Possession, Sale, Use/Under the Influence)

o   1800 - Discontinued 2017-2018 (Formerly Harrassment; Non-Sexual (Physical; Verbal; or Psychological) - Use 1897)

o   2100 - Inappropriate Use of Medication (Prescription or over-the-counter)

o   2400 - Obscene Behavior

o   2700 - School Threat (Threat of Destruction or Harm)

o   3000 - Suicide

o   3100 - Discontinued 2017-2018 (Formerly Theft (Stealing Personal or Other Property) - Use 3110)

o   3200 - Threat/Intimidation (Causing Fear of Harm)

o   3300 - Tobacco (Possession or Use)

o   3500 - Discontinued 2017-2018 (Formerly Vandalism (Damage to School or Personal Property) - Use 3510)

  • Incident DOE Field “Incident Weapon Type” and Offender DOE Field “Weapon Type”: The DESE does not want the following SIF Values to be used when making a selection.

o   0010 - Firearm *(Pick specific type of firearm)

o   0020 - Knife *(Pick knife blade length)

o   0098 - No Weapon *(leave unselected if no weapon used in incident)

Reference: Mass DESE Information Services – Data Collection > SIF page > Massachusetts SIF 2.7 Profile Version 2.40 spreadsheet > Code Sets > DisciplineIncident > RelatedTo and WeaponType Listing.

  • SSDR Error: “SSDR6015, 6020, 6025, 6030, 6035 – Offense Code (#) is repeated” - Cannot have the same offense code listed more than once. This means that you have more than one Incident code selected in the Discipline record that is mapped to the same SIF Value. The DESE only wants one SIF Offense Value reported in a single Discipline record. Check to see if you have selected the same Offender DOE Field “Offender Related To” code for 2 different Incident codes. Check SIF Data Mapping to see if you have mapped 2 similar iPass Incident Codes to the same 1049 – Incident SIF Value. See if you can find a different code that better defines the incident.


  • Student shows as enrolled in course but course has been deleted: Students that were scheduled into courses and the course was subsequently Removed (deleted) before the October 1 SCS submission may still show as enrolled in the course. This can be fixed by adding the course, adjusting to Term 1 only, and then using Drop/Restore to drop the course. If your district at over 30 records with this error, please submit an eSupport ticket and we can run a script to remove these courses.


  • SIF EPIMS: Error EPIMS4001: Record reported more than once in SR file.  Check to see if the staff member has more than one active Career record checked off as ‘Is Main Job.’ If yes, this will include the staff member in the Staff Roster file more than once. To fix this you need to have only one active Career record set to ‘Is Main Job.’ After the update is made notify iPass Support so that we can request your EPIMS data be cleared and re-sent. Click here for more information.
  • SIF EPIMS: Error EPIMS6128: Not Applicable work assisntments (WA08) not applied as required. With SIF, the DOE is getting course data sent over for courses meeting the second half of year. This data comes from CourseSectionInfo. It has this information from SCS records and it’s looking for teacher information. After the EPIMS Export has been run to create the EOY Work Assignments, make sure that all Work Assignments have the WA08 Other Teacher Assignment Code filled in.
  • SIF EPIMS: Error EPIMS6254: Invalide Summative/Formative Evaluation Rating (SR29) - In District. Reminder that the EOY EPIMS submission is expecting to receive staff evaluation ratings. For the October EPIMS submission you changed all staff to the value of “99 – Not Applicable.” Until you have the evaluation data ready to update iPass, you can ignore these validation errors. 
  • Reminder: iStaff DOE Evaluation fields SR30-SR34 Evaluation Rating should be entered into the “Evaluation Rating” field, NOT the “Evaluation Scale field.” The Import Staff Data > MA EPIMS Staff Roster Data Format imports the values in the correct “Rating” fields. Any data manually entered into the “Scale” fields will not be changed. Our plan is to have these extraneous fields removed from the DOE Evaluation screen to avoid confusion.
  • SIF Agent > SIF Reporting > EPIMS is not sending the StaffEvaluation object. To update Evaluation data, use SIF - Send Objects to send the StaffEvaluation Object. Reminder to use SIF Delete Tmp Table to clear the StaffEvaluation object data piror to sending the updated data.

Date: As of January 22, 2019

Also listed in
folder DOE ID Manager -> Help -> SSDR (MA)
folder DOE ID Manager -> Help -> EPIMS (MA)
folder DOE ID Manager -> Help -> SCS (MA)

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