Error Code |
Error Description |
iPASS - How to Clear Error |
SSDR2025 |
Offense Code 1 invalid |
Incident Code not mapped. Go to SIF Agent > SIF Data Mapping > SIF Data Table = 1049 Incident Code. Map missing iPASS Offense Code in appropriate SIF Description field. |
SSDR2525 |
Invalid Disciplinary Action Taken code (DAT) entered |
Discipline code not mapped. Go to SIF Agent > SIF Data Mapping > SIF Data Table = 1054 Discipline Action. Map missing iPASS Consequence Code in appropriate SIF Description field. |
SSDR6015 |
Offense Code 1 repeated codes (SSDR6020, SSDR6025, SSDR6030) |
This error message means you have selected two or more Incident Codes in a student's Discipline record that are mapped to the same SIF Value Code. Go to SIF Agent > SIF Data Mapping > SIF Table = 1049 - Incident Code. If multiple Incident Codes are selected for one SIF value, find another SIF Value to associate the iPass Value with. Send Discipline Objects to update the SSDR transmission. (Notify district staff not to select multiple Incident codes in the same Discipline record that report the same SIF value.)
SSDR6090 |
Physical Fight requires at least 2 offenders |
Another Student "Offender" should be linked in this Incident. Add additional Offender using the "Additional Students" field. After screen submitted, click on additional student's record and select Offender and other Report to DOE fields. |
SSDR6100 |
Offense codes 3 through 9 and 12 - 13, 17 must have at least one victim |
Need to add a name(s) in "Additional Victims" field. This is in addition to entering a # value in the Report to DOE Incident DOE Field for Number of Victims. |
SSDR6105 |
Offense codes 3 through 6, 8 through 9 ,12 - 13,17 must have at least one victim |
Need to add a name(s) in "Additional Victims" field. This is in addition to entering a # value in the Report to DOE Incident DOE Field for Number of Victims. |
SSDR6560 |
Educational Services Not Provided code (NAE) must be provided when Education Services Indicator (AEINC) equals N |
Make sure you are not using a discontinued codes in the Not Provided field. Make sure you have not selected codes in both AE and NAE. |
SSDR6615 |
Start Date and Date Eligible inconsistent with number of days missed |
All In-School Suspensions (ISS) need to have student Return Date be one day AFTER the ISS date(s). An extra day must be added to Return Date to report ISS correctly. The Proposed/Actual Serve values for the "extra" day can be entered as 0. |
SSDR6640 |
if the Education Services provided Code (AE) is neither 2, 3 nor 8 and the Education Services not provided Code is not 7 then an other specification (AEX) must be blank. |
If Alt Education Code (AEINC) = Yes and Alternative Eduaction Type (AE) = 1, 6, or 7, there should be NO comment in the Education Services Comment (AEX) field. AEX is only filled in for AEINC = Yes and AE = 2, 3, 8. |
SSDR7005 |
A reported discipline, must have a corresponding reported incident and the incident date must match |
The additional student is being reported with a displine record but the Primary student's incident was deleted and no Offense/Incident was reported . **Contact iPass Support to assist you. |
SSDR7010 |
Discipline record found, but not joined to any incident data |
Check to see if there is "Primary" student in the record. The Primary student may have been deleted. |
SSDR7025 |
No disciplines were indicated (DISC IND = N), but disciplines were reported for this incident |
Check to make sure the DISC INC = Yes if it is a DOE-reportable consequence (DAT) (In-School Suspension (1), Out of School Suspension (s), Expulsion (3), Removal (4,5,6)). If not a reportable DAT, check to see if the Offense is reportable (Codes 1-17) to see if incident should be reported to the DOE. |
SSDR7040 |
There are more offending student SASIDs than are counted in Offending student count |
Check the Number of Offenders field(s) count. This total count must match the number of named student offenders linked to the incident. |
SSDR7045 |
Type of Offense ID 1 (SOT1) must be one of the offenses listed on the Incident Report (OT1 - OT5) |
Student "Offenders" must have new DOE Offender fields filled in (fields displayed below Report to DOE Incident DOE Fields ) |
SSDR7070 |
Missing Discipline data, please check Incident/Discipline counts comparison report |
Check to make sure that the Discipline Indicator (DISC IND) = Yes. DOE-reportable consequence (DAT): In-School Suspension (1), Out of School Suspension (2), Expulsion (3), Removal (4,5,6). |