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SIF SSDR: Reporting Victims Without Identifying Name

Article ID: 968
Last updated: 23 May, 2017
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Certain Report to DOE Offense Types codes require a victim be reported (Codes 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, and17). SIF SSDR transmission requires a victim be entered into the Discipline Incident records, not just a number entered into the Number of Victims field. To accommodate districts that do not want to send the victim name or do not record victims in iPass, districts need to select one of the following methods to report victims.

Victims Recorded in iPass – Do Not Want to Report Name to DOE:

A parameter has been added to allow districts to choose NOT to report the victim’s name associated with a Report to DOE = Yes Discipline Incident. Setting the parameter of “Report Victim’s Name” to = NO will NOT send any name entered into the Additional Victim field and will send only the victim count.

Setting the parameter for Report Victim’s Name:

  • YES – Any name entered under “Additional Victim” will go to the DOE in the SIF SSDR XML (Default setting).
  • NO – Only the word “Count” and the Number of the Victims will go to the DOE in the SIF SSDR XML.

System Configuration > Parameter Maintenance > Application: SIF/Parameter Group: Source > Report Victim’s Name

Victims Not Recorded in iPass – Need to Report “Nameless” Victim:

If the district chooses NOT to name a victim in the iPass Discipline Incident record, a “nameless victim” must be entered.

First, the user must set the Report Victim’s Name parameter to No (see above).

Next, the user will enter one or more student or staff “nameless” victims to the “Other Person” section. 

The user will click on the + symbol to open up the Other Person section.

The user should click on the magnifying glass to search for previously entered nameless victims. If someone in the district has already created one, it will be listed. If the user needs to enter multiple nameless victims, the user will select (or create) Student 1, Student 2, etc. Once created, the nameless victims will be available to select in other discipline incidents. The user will click on the ID Number to add the victim selection to the Other Person table.

Recommendation: It is recommended that districts begin entering nameless victims with an ID numbering and naming scheme. After being created once, the victims will be available to select going forward.

In the example above, student victims were entered with Last Name = Victim, First Name = Other, and Middle Name = Student 1. This makes it easy to identify. The ID Number is made up and should be different than the district’s Student ID numbers. If the user needs to report multiple nameless victims, the user will create another one with Student 2, Student 3, etc. Staff can be set up the same way.

Note that Offender or Victim, Gender and Race/Ethnicity fields should be adjusted as they relate to the victim in the specific discipline incident.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: After entering the Victim, click on the DOE + Symbol to open up the Victim DOE Fields to select the Victim Type and Victim Injury.

Also listed in
folder SIF -> Help
folder DOE ID Manager -> Help -> SSDR (MA)

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