SIF transmission of the School Safety and Discipline Report (SSDR) victim count is reported through total count of victim records, not by the number entered in the Report to DOE Number of Victims fields. iPass now is able to send a large count of “nameless†victims without having to create a record for each victim.
Discipline System > Add/Modify Discipline
Click on + symbol next to Other Person to open up the Other Person table.
ID Number – Create an ID Number that reflects the type of victim and the number of victims and it can be used again (ie. 999930 for 30 Students or 88885 for 5 Staff members). Click on the magnifying glass icon to see if a previous nameless victim ID Number exists for the Victim Type and Count # you plan to report. If it does, you may select this again.
Last Name – Enter the Number of Victims (ie. 30) in the Last Name field.
First Name – Enter the word “Count†in the First Name field.
Offender/Victim – Select Victim.
Gender and Race Ethnicity fields can be left alone.
Select Victim Type – Click on DOE + symbol to open up the Victim DOE Fields and select the appropriate Victim Type (ie. Student, Staff) and indicate Victim Injury.
The SIF DisciplineIncident Object will send the total Count of unnamed victims for each Victim Type.
Example SIF Events Log XML:
"<Victim Type="0126">COUNT30 3065
"<Victim Type="3422">COUNT5 3065
** Refer to the attached document for screen shots. **