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SIF - Setting Up for the next State Reporting Period

Article ID: 875
Last updated: 18 Sep, 2018
Views: 0

SIF – Setting Up for the Next State Reporting Period

  • Set the DOE Parameters Last Transmission Date at each school to the report date.

For example: 10/01/2018 for October 1, 03/01/2019 for March 1, or the day BEFORE the last day of school (ie. 06/20/2019) for EOY.

Go to DOE ID Manager > Maintenance DOE > DOE Parameters

  • Set the iStaff Configuration As of Date to the report date.

For example: 10/01/2016 for October 1 (Example shows is from 2016-2017 School Year) or the day BEFORE the last day of school (ie. 06/20/2017) for EOY.

Go to iStaff Biographical > Procedures - iStaff Bio > iStaff Configuration

  • Make sure the SIF Events Processor is sending data. Recycle it by shutting it down and starting a new one.

Go to SIF Agent > SIF Processors

  • Make sure the SIF Response Processor is sending data. Recycle it by shutting it down and starting a new one. (Repeat above steps for Events Processor above.)
  • Purge Log files with dates from PREVIOUS reporting period. KEEP the Log files for the current reporting period until you are certified so that all data transmitted during the reporting period is available for reference.
  • You will need to do an initial "push" of your SIF data to the DESE. SIMS and SCS data for this year has been flowing to the DESE as live events. This push is to make sure that all data for all enrolled students has been updated on the DESE side in SIF. To transmit EPIMS and SSDR requires you to push the SIF Objects initially and after any updates to the records. All SIF Objects related to one report, one school, one student or one staff member can be sent using SIF Agent > SIF Reporting.
  • Directions on how to push SIF Objects can be found in iPass Help > SIF > Help. Click here for directions.

Note: Make sure that before you push your SCS SIF Objects that you make sure you have set up your additional SIF SCS (“fake”) Terms.

Additional SIF SCS Terms – SIF transmission of SCS data includes multiple course term records for each student. The DOE expects to receive a record indicating each term the student was scheduled into the course as well as the course term code representing the combination of terms (ie. Full Year, Semester 1, Third Trimester, Multiple Non-consecutive Quarters, etc.). For example, a Full Year course will send 5 term records at EOY: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and FY. The FY is what we refer to as an additional SIF SCS ("fake") term. SIF Districts need to have Term Codes set up for all of the course term combinations used in their course catalog during the school year. These additional SIF SCS terms are used only for SCS reporting and are not used in Grading or Scheduling. These additional terms need to be included to each of your school’s Academic Year Settings screen. ** Reference the previous year Academic Year Setting screen and use the same Order for the Terms. This order and "included" Grade Headings and Terms are both referenced when priting PCL Report Cards. Changing the Order can affect report cards.

For more information reference the Helpful Hints Guides for SCS State Reports found in iPass Help > DOE ID Manager > Help > SCS Sub Category Folder.

  • SPECIAL NOTE: For the October 1 SIMS report you will need to push the "Summer Withdrawals". This can be done at any time to update. Directions on how to push SIF Objects can be found in iPass Help > SIF > Help. Click here for directions.
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