User Group Meeting - September 11, 2019
Below please find the link to the webex recording for the September 2019 User Group Meeting.
News & Updates
Featured Topic: Start of New School Year & Preparation for October State Reporting
Completing rollover process
Preparing for Horizontal Averaging, GPA and Honor Roll
Changes to DESE's SIF Servers & recommendations for SIF transmission
Preparing Patch Release for 2019-2020 State Reporting Changes
DOE013 - Adding code (12 - Out of District Foster Care)
DOE028 - Adding code (02 - Earned Seal of Bilieratary with Distinction)
DOES033 - Adding code (10 - Registered Apprenticeship)
DOE047, DOE048, DOE049 Industry Credentials (Voc/Tech Schools) - Adding 5 codes (196-200)
WA07 - Adding new Job Type (3333) ACTION NEEDED: Add to HRS Job Types *(Can add before patch release).
Consequence - Adding new Consequence to SIF Mapping (Law Enforcement Referral) ACTION NEEDED: Add Consequence to iPass Consequences *(Can add before patch release) and Map to new SIF Mapping option *(after patch release).
SectionInfo Object
DESE is adding more elements to SectionInfo Object. iPass Course Section will have an Override checkbox to be able to send section-specific Course Code, Subject Area Codes, Course Title, Instructional Level and Course Credit Type. *(This will be helpful with Dual Enrollment and VHS course set up in the Course Catalog.)
Click here to view the recording >> USER GROUP RECORDING