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iParent & iStudent - Recommended User Type Settings

Article ID: 629
Last updated: 03 Mar, 2016
Views: 0


Go to Security System > Manage Users > User Types. Click on ASSIGN next to Parent User Type.

Select Folder View: The ONLY Folders that should have any check marks are: iParent and My Data. All other check marks should be removed.

In the iParent Folder you will check off the options you want to show in their iParent Folder. You can then use the iParent Configuration screen to Grant/Revoke viewing of these options at any time.

Note: iParent Schedule Rotation menu option is not currently controlled by the Show Schedule Information selection.

In the My Data Folder you must check off Change Password. This is required to allow users to change their password when their account is set to prompt them for a password change.

Select Tab Menu View: The ONLY Tab Menu that should have any check marks is the Hello Tab Menu. Both Events by Day and Events by Month must always be checked off. If they are not, the screen will flash and the parent will not be able to access their account. All other check marks should be removed.

iParent accounts are created through the registration process and are subject to approval. All iParent accounts are set up with the iParent Menu Folder, NO designated Schools and User Type of Parent. Some districts have elected to include the My Data folder to provide users the ability to change their own password. Your system configuration can be changed to add this folder during account approval. Let us know if you would like to do this.

  • Most districts have elected to turn on the Forgot Password and/or Forgot User ID on the iPASS Login screen. When the user clicks on this and email is sent to the #1 email address in their Guardian/Student/Teacher record.
  • The Parent’s account will show the school where their Primary Student was in enrolled at the time of account approval. This does not change. As their child moves from one school to another they will be able to access them because iParent is not school dependent.


Go to Security System > Manage Users > User Types. Click on ASSIGN next to Student User Type.

Select Folder View: The ONLY Folders that should have any check marks are: iStudent and My Data. All other check marks should be removed.

In the iStudent Folder you will check off the options you want to show in their iStudent Folder. You can then use the iStudent Configuration screen to Grant/Revoke viewing of these options at any time.

Select Tab Menu View: The ONLY Tab Menu that should have any check marks is the Hello Tab Menu. Both Events by Day and Events by Month must always be checked off. If they are not, the screen will flash and the student will not be able to access their account. All other check marks should be removed.

iStudent accounts are created in mass (currently by iPASS Support Team) or individually on the student profile screen. All iStudent accounts are set up with the iStudent and My Data Menu Folders, designated School(s), and User Type of Student.

When the accounts are first created, the school where the student is enrolled must be selected. When students grade levels move from one school to another (ie. middle to high school), the new school will need to be added. The iPASS Support Team can help you add a school to a group of students and reset passwords.

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