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How do I graduate my seniors?

Article ID: 583
Last updated: 13 May, 2016
Views: 0

Graduate Your High School Seniors – Grade 12 – YOG 2015:

Refer to the checklist of recommended items to complete before graduating your seniors. This can be found in iPASS Help > Administration > FAQ > What are the recommended steps to follow before graduating the seniors from iPASS?  This includes:

  • Confirm all seniors have their Final Grades
  • Run Honor Roll for seniors
  • Run GPA for seniors
  • Run Transcripts for seniors
  • Clear Lockers for seniors *(this must be done prior to graduating the seniors)
  • Update MA DOE Post Graduate codes (DOE031, DOE033, DOE037)

To “Graduate” your seniors:

Select Biographical System> Mass Update Students> Mass Enroll

Select Data to Update:

  • Search for Students in – Select your school from the pull-down list.
  • Academic Year to Copy – Select the current Academic Year.
  • Entry/Withdrawal Date – Select a Date On or Before the Last day of School from the pull-down list, so that they will properly be reported to the DOE.
  • Entry/Withdrawal Code – Select appropriate code for the individual or group you are graduating (ie. Graduated Grade 12 with Diploma, Certificate of Attainment)
  • Enrollment Reason – Select Copy.  The Enrollment Reason from the student’s most recent Enrollment record will be copied into this new Withdrawn/Graduated record.
  • Enrollment Status – Select appropriate code for the individual or group you are graduating (ie. 04-Graduated with Competency Determination; 10-Certificate of Attainment; 11-Completed Grade 12 and district approved program)
  • Reporting Reason – Select Copy.  The Reporting Reason from the student’s most recent Enrollment record will be copied into this new Withdrawn/Graduated record.
  • Enrollment Comment – Enter a Comment or leave the field blank.
  • FTE – Leave the field blank.
  • Out Placement – Select No from the pull-down list.
  • School ID – Leave the field blank or enter your School and District code. If left blank, your School ID will be filled in automatically in SIMS from your District and School Profiles.
  • Enter School and District codes of the school the student is attending, if the student is out placed.
  • Previous School – Accept the default of Copy.
  • Previous School Comment – Leave the field blank or enter your school name.
  • Update Building Code – Select Yes.

Student Search Criteria 

  • Grade Level – Select Grade Level 12.
  • Enrollment – Select Enrolled to list only those seniors currently enrolled.
  • Click Search to display your selection.
  • Use the check-boxes to identify which students will be “Graduated” with these values and which students will not be “Graduated” with these values.
  • Use the Check All, Clear All options to facilitate your selection/de-selection process.
  • Click Submit to save your changes.

Additional information can be found in iPASS > Help > Administration > Help > End of Year Procedures Help Document.


  1. The Enrollment Status is the only DOE element that changes from those originally used for their Enrollment when a student is Withdrawn, Graduated, or Transferred.
  2. The Copy feature of this program insures that those students with Enrollment Reasons and/or Reporting Reasons which are different from those of the majority of students will be copied and do not need to be processed separately.
  3. Exceptions can be processed as a new group using this Mass Enroll program or they can be Withdrawn/Graduated individually in .
  4. Non-Graduates will remain Enrolled.  They will need to be enrolled for the new school year as Grade 12 students to repeat the grade level. “Summer Graduates” are “Graduated” with a date between the last day of the previous school year and the first day of the new school year. Confirmed “Drop Outs”, with no evidence that they are continuing their education, will need a withdrawal record with either a summer date or date after the new school year begins. Summer Graduates and Drop Outs will be reported to the DOE in the October 1 SIMS Report.  If you know that they are continuing their education elsewhere to complete their graduation requirements, then they must be given a withdrawal record.
  5. Students graduating from a Massachusetts Public School (State “Enrollment Reason” = 04-Graduated with Competency Determination, 10-Certificate of Attainment) MUST have a Post-Graduate Plans code other than the default value of 500.  The DOE validation program will reject Graduated students who are reported as 500 – Does not apply at this time and will also reject your file if a large percentage of students are reported as 09–Plans Unknown.
  6. Do not graduate students who are leaving your building to attend another building in your district next year (this includes middle School students moving to high school). Be sure to fill in the Next Year (school) and Next Grade Level fields prior to rolling the database to the new school year.
  7. Note from DOE (June 2014): All Grade 12 students should be reported at the time of the occurrence as graduated, receiving a certificate, or completing grade 12.  When the student comes back into the district the following school year, you will code them as a “services only” student, DOE012 = 40.  We have expanded our validations to now accept services only students in grade SP with the school code of:  00000001 (school code 00000001 allows “services only” grade levels of PK and SP). (This is not for your out-placed students this only applies to those students returning to the public school district for special education services only after completing grade 12.)
Also listed in
folder Biographical -> FAQ
folder Administration -> FAQ

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