Mailer Processor - Emailing Reports to Users When Report is Completed

Certain reports will generate the following message when submitted:

The export report will only be mailed to the email address of the user running the report if the Mailer Processor is set up to run. Most districts are NOT using this feature at this time.

Before a district considers turning this feature on they should be aware of the following:

NOTE: Below are some of the potential caveats to using the Mail Processor to send completed reports. When this processors is set up to run, the following needs to be taken into consideration. Many districts have stopped using it actively after considering the following and tell their users to proactively check their "My Reports" for their completed reports.

When the email processors are turned on, every time a user runs a report an email will be sent to that user WITH the report attached.

Maintaining Email Processors:

Article ID: 925
Last updated: 11 Jan, 2017
System Configuration -> Help -> Mailer Processor - Emailing Reports to Users When Report is Completed