How do I use Mass Enroll Students to "Graduate" the Grade 12 Seniors?

The Mass Enroll program will allow you to Graduate one or more students.

You can copy information from the students’ most recent Enrollment record to insure that exceptions to the DOE fields 11 & 13 are retained. It is recommended that you only use the “Copy” option for Reporting Reason (Mass DOE 11) and Enrollment Reason (Mass DOE 13), otherwise you may be copying incorrect data, such as enrollment data for students who entered in the middle of the previous school year.

Go to Biographical System > Mass Update Students > Mass Enroll.

Note: School districts where the student's last grade in the district is prior to Grade 12 (ie. Grade 6 or 8) should withdraw the student, not graduate the student. The "Gradudated" code is reserved for Grade 12.

Article ID: 1088
Last updated: 13 May, 2019
Biographical -> FAQ -> How do I use Mass Enroll Students to "Graduate" the Grade 12 Seniors?