Dropped Courses With Grades Query

This query can be used to find "Dropped" courses with Final Grades.

This can be helpful to find these courses so that grades can be removed or transferred because dropped courses with final grades will appear on Report Cards and Transcripts. 

When executing this file:

** The Final Grade Grade Heading Abbreviation may vary so check the Grading System > Maintenance Grading > Grade Headings for the Abbreviation used on your site.

Report will look like this:

Student ID First Name Last Name Create Date Create Time User Id Action Title Name Course Sec Abbreviation Grade Code
1614 11/16/16 31022 Dropped SH1203 Carpentry Shop 01 FGR 82
1614 11/16/16 31036 Dropped RE1203 Carpentry Theory 01 FGR 85

Article ID: 1006
Last updated: 18 Sep, 2017
My Queries -> Query Files for Download -> Dropped Courses With Grades Query